Houston Chapter

* It is important that you join the main Facebook private group first. You will not be admitted into the private chapter group until you are admitted into the main group.

What are our goals?

While some groups merely utter empty words, Houston’s Mothers for Democracy Moms are getting it done. We are organizing to protect our children, public schools, jobs, and communities. We want to wake up civic participation in Houston and its surrounding areas. We strive to increase voter turnout, as well as educate folks in our area about Democrats, candidates, and the issues most important to our families.

Ways we can do this:

  • Register new voters by increasing the number of VDRs (Voter Deputy Registrars);
  • Organize events for VDRs to register new voters;
  • Brainstorm as to how to increase voter turnout, and follow through on the best ideas. (Sadly, in 2022, only 43% of registered voters voted. There are roughly 4.7 million residents in Harris County; the third most populous county in the US. Think of the impact we could make on elections!)

We hope you will not only attend our monthly meetings, but also participate in our sponsored events: both the “serious” ones, (such as new voter registration drives, block-walking, postcard-writing campaigns, etc.), as well as our “fun” ones, (such as shows, movies, coffee meet-ups, happy hours, etc.).

Please be sure to join both Mobilize and our Facebook group to be notified of dates/times! (We use the Mobilize App to register for meetings, organizing events or socials.)

Lastly, we ask that you send us suggestions for events you feel will benefit our main goals.

Thanks, and let’s get to work!

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Please consider a donation to support the vital work of keeping our representatives accountable.